Blood Doll


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    The book three in the series of vampire Agape takes the story to a different level where Solomon Alexander falls in love with Avery whom he wants to hide from the rest of his family and his clan as she is the blood jewel. The love of Avery has intoxicated him so much that he can do nothing else except thinking of her all the time and becoming more and more possessed about her all the time, but still he cannot force her into establishing a bond.

    The more Solomon becomes mad in Avery’s love the more she hates the creature who according to her cannot love anyone, his love for her is nothing more than a blood thirst and a desire for physical pleasures as these are the only things that a vampire craves for.

    Blood Doll

    Solomon proves his love by making the sacrifice that could destroy him forever and the climax of the story appears when the vampire is ready to leave everything just to make Avery happy she all of a sudden shows readiness for the relationship he always desired of, but the thing is not that easy he must drink the blood of the loved one which he doesn’t want any more.

    The temptation and the rational approach both are present sides by side in the story. Georgia Cates has created a masterpiece with the help of magical words that really make us feel the bloodthirst of a vampire which he wants to control and the more time passes the more it becomes difficult for him to control the animal instinct within him. Tad Branson’s narration is accurate and up to the mark from the beginning of the story, the passionate sound of the vampire makes us more attracted to the progress of the story.

    Tamer: King of Dinosaurs, Book 4 – Michael-Scott Earle, and Firehurler: Twinborn Chronicles, Book 1 – J. S. Morin are more books to listen to for those who have liked this one.

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