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    Space travelling has always been a fantasy for the people of the earth and the craze force them to leave everything that is present around them even their near and dear ones. Same thing happens in this new novel by Joshua Dalzelle, a new planet is discovered that is far away from the home planet.

    It is obvious that going that far would end up all connection with humanity but the appeal is so intense that a group is willing to take that risk. The group that became the part of the Polaris project were fully aware of all this when they started their journey towards the start they named as Angel-21.


    The sense of adventure and the appeal to discover made them leave the Solar System as they started their journey towards the star. The mission was a complete success but when they returned home after a span of eight hundred years they thought that they have landed on the wrong planet. Nothing was in the way they left it eight centuries ago, now their ship is slowly going down and the crew is also in a mess because of homesickness.

    They don’t know what happened to the earth and also they don’t have time to think about it because they themselves could collapse in mid air because of the condition of their ship. A wonderful book reminds us about Marine and Soldiers of Fortune and other space adventures by the author. The narrator is Paul Heitsch once again who has narrated quite a lot of books written by Joshua thus it was not too tough a task for him after all.

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