Night of the Hunter


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    After twenty seven books comes the companion codex, over all this is the twenty eighth book of the Drizzt legends but each time the writer comes with a new theme and a new mission. Drizzt sometime falls and sometime rises but as a fan you cannot lose your focus from him because he always keeps that extra edge in comparison to the other characters.

    The fighting zeal appeals you toward the man and you cannot resist the temptation of liking and being attracted to his personality all the time. The Companions showed that he was back where he belonged among his allies and friends and ready for a fight for justice. Its elves once again that comes into play like Neverwinter  but they are not ordinary ones, they have turned into vampires.

    Night of the Hunter

    Drizzt wants the shield dwarf more than anything but for this the whole band has to go to the dark world which means entering into your own grave. The colony of the Drow wants them dead at any rate especially their leader Drizzt. Whenever a season end we think that the legends have ended finally but there is no conclusion or ending to the legends of the Drizzt. Victor Bevine though harps on the same tune but not for a moment in the whole series the narrator has appeared to be dull because of his lively tone and energetic sound.

    No one is ever bored by such kind of a sound also the story too possesses such variety all the time that we tend to focus more on its continuation. The endings are always masterly written and give the hint of next part as well.



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