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Of Love and Evil

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Mystery and history blend the second time in Anne Rice’s new series that she started a while ago after writing successfully on vampires and werewolves. She has shifted to assassins and angels now but the introduction of the new realms goes on.  A metaphysical thriller is what Anne Rice busies us into O’ Dare as the main characters who wanted to be a priest as he himself in Angel Time tells us and in his dreams even he sees angels.

Of Love and Evil

Reality of his life differ his dreams as he is awoken by the songs with his name in it. He has been trying to correct the some evils in the past by moving from one realm to the other because this is the only way he would be able to pacify his heart and the life afterwards. First mission took him to the 13th century and now we find him somewhere between the 15th century as he has travelled to another realm. A city of Rome is depicted by the writer with high domes and towers. The city is constantly covered with a layer of clouds that always keep on shifting its places.

O’Dare is with an angel this time who wants his help in solving a crime of poisoning. It is sort of a penance that he should do in order to prove himself a true Christian and pure at heart. But the tasks are never easy when you are moving toward the right path. To O’Dare’s surprise he has passion of love in his heart as well that he never thought would happen. Paul Michael goes on well and it seems that the narrator will continue till the trilogy ends.




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