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The Last Hellfighter

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An amalgam of the present and the past is what makes the story interesting in the very beginning and then come the evil that eats people up and not just one or two people but a whole time in a single pan of time leaving not a trace behind. An evil that does not appear to be stopping at any rate, unless it is stopped by force. The nights become a horror for the human race as they don’t know what would be their fate the next morning.

The Last Hellfighter

Thomas S Flowers takes us to the year 2044 where America is protected by a wall and the drones of the highest class that allow nothing to pass unless it is allowed by the government. The technology is at its peak but still, it appears to be weak when the devilish force appears and starts to move towards the west night after night. Benjamin Harker the last of the Hellfighter luckily has survived to this day as he is off 144 years of age when this invasion starts. He lacks the physical force now that once he had with which he used to protect his country but still he holds the key to this problem as he is the only one who knows what the evil is because he has seen it before and was also successful in defeating it in his youth.

It is his past that can save the future of the whole human race which will sooner or later end in a tragedy if nothing is done. The story is about hope and will to survive in the time when hell is unleashed on mankind. Rick Gregory narrates in a casual fashion in the start but towards the later stages, he has successfully infused passion and enthusiasm in the story.  Other books in the similar genre are The Prey (The Hunt #2) – Andrew Fukuda and The Hunt (The Hunt #1) – Andrew Fukuda.

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A Leap in the Dark



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