Find Her

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Child kidnapping and child abuse are the top stories these days all over the world and Lisa Garden selects the right sort of topic this time but she presents it in her own way. The story comes to us twisted and turned with lies all around. Flora Dane the girl who became victim of child abduction for 472 days proves herself a real survivor as she came out alive out of all that. But still something is not right about her, she does not behave normally and that’s why she is with her advocate Samuel Keynes who is training her to enter the society once again.

Find Her

Her mother loves her like always but her brother is a bit afraid of her as what she has become after the incident. Luckily she passes all the tests and enters the society once again successfully but then again she is found naked near a dead body after a few days. The act seems to be an act of self defense or perhaps the girl is planning all this as he is on a hunt for the person who abducted her in the first place.

D.D. Warren knows that there is something fishy about the girl at the same time she wants the help of Flora in a case of a missing girl similar to her case many years ago. Alone and Hide approximately share the same tone but the scenario is different and this is where Lisa Garden is a true master she creates newness in the old themes. The narrator’s appealing voice again comes to our ears and Kirsten Potter narrates this part as well.


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The Neighbor

Look for Me


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