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Private London

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“Private” series goes on with the flow getting more and more thrilling as the crime become more and more teasing all the time. James Patterson and Mark Pearson’s group has been improving the quality of their literature for quite a while now. The good change in the series is in the narration department as Rupert Degas joins in and brings his enthusiastic voice in the fourth chapter. This energy was lacking in Private and Private: #1 Suspect and though the stories were with strong plot but they never has that much energy in them.

The past of Hannah Shapiro haunts her in this fourth part of “private” series, though she was saved by Jack Morgan years ago but she still cannot forget what happened eight years ago. Now the abduction of women starts once again in London and her past at once comes to life as Hannah too once faced such a situation in her life. The abduction also seems to be quite familiar to her case which once again makes her someone with a prime importance.

Private London

Lack time once again prove to be the biggest threat because like always there are two cases the company is dealing with running side by side and intermingling with one another. On certain occasions the two cases appear to be one because the suspects and the places are common in more than one place. This fourth chapter can be termed as the most thrilling one as Jack and his organization have never faced such time shortage before.

Ex-wife of Dan Carter, the mystery producing girl is another interesting character that we find in this book and no doubt she stands out in the whole novel.

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