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Slow Heat in Heaven

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The shift between the present and past is what makes the story more interesting than the rest of such category. Sandra Brown presents the character of Schyler Crandall who is a lady with many layers if we try to discover her true self or the real personality.

She is pure at heart that what we are told about her but at the same time there is a hint of her corrupt past as she knows all the corrupt people of the town and it also appears that she has some private connection with them as well which she tries to hide from her sisters and especially her husband who is already not attached to her as he wanted to marry her sister instead of her.

The story moves on certain levels, apparently, it is about a family crisis, a crisis which is influencing the whole town but later in the second half, it starts moving on psychological levels as well.

Slow Heat in Heaven

Each character is revealed through his intentions when apparently we find nothing wrong with him at all. The secret behind Schyler’s true identity is the aspect of the story that makes her character more appealing and interesting as she is the one in the family who is adopted by the rich family that almost runs the whole town.

The main trouble she faces in order to stop the crisis is that the whole family fails to work as one single unit, everyone has his own private motive which is far more important to him than supporting the family.

A nice little story of social and economic problems is being told in a serious manner which was surely the need of the whole thing. Other stories liked by most of the readers who have listened to this one are Locked In (Jessica Daniel #01) – Kerry Wilkinson and Feathers and Fire Series (1-3) – Shayne Silvers.


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