The Hero with a Thousand Faces

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The Hero with a Thousand Faces is a nonfictional book. It is based on social sciences subject and has some really engrossing content for all the audience to understand and relate with. The book is excellently written by Joseph Campbell and it success shows that the author has done deep research on the content and has good grip on the subject matter. The narration of this book was a team effort between Arthur Morey, Susan Denaker and John Lee.

A couple of other books on social sciences and other similar subject matters by Joseph Campbell are Myths to Live By and The Hero’s Journey.

Right since its release in the year 1949, the book so far has influenced the lives of millions of its readers. It did so by joining the insights of the progressive psychology with revolutionary understanding of the comparative mythology of Joseph Campbell.

The author here highlights the Hero’s Journey, which is actually a universal motif of transformation and adventure that virtually runs through the mythic traditions of this world. The Cosmogonic Cycle is also explored by the author, which includes the mythic pattern related with the creation of the world and then also its destruction.

The Hero with a Thousand Faces

This book from Joseph Campbell is still relevant today and as much as it was then right after its publication. The book stays the same for all these years but it continues to find amazing new audiences every now and then.

The audience of this book involves all those from different fields of life and from different religions, cultures, anthropology, traditions and transformation. It has found to have influenced the creative artists and film students a lot.


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