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Joe is needed back in the combat in the fifth part of the series but he is not in a mood for all of this. All he wanted was to study ritual magic and now he has the chance to utilize his time in the way that he wanted for a very long time. As he gains more skills in the art of magic, the need for him in the field also increases, his team needs him. Selecting between team leadership and passion for magic seems to be a tough choice for him and then the conditions of the state become worse.

The guild has been improving for many years now and gaining power too but no such thing can pass undetected. The group of assassins want the guild to stop all sort of power gaining activities otherwise it would be war that they will face. Enemies are joining hands against them and they need their super squad back in full gear which means that the captain of the team is needed back. Joe still wants to get out of all of this because he wants to fulfill his dreams now so he leaves the squad.


However when tensions build up more than anyone imagined Joe is forced to come back, as the leader of the team he cannot just leave his buddies stranded in war. Dakota Krout brings the ruthless Joe back in action in the later stage of the novel. The author builds a situation very slowly for the hero and the hero is forced in the end to bring out his best in the circumstances. Ritualist and Raze had such circumstances but the interest of the main character was not diverted in those books.

Here Joe wants an escape; it was never his passion to become the leader of the fighting squad. Luke Daniels’ narration was right on target, he provides Joe a confusing voice when he is unable to decide between passion and duty. But when he decides his voice becomes strong.


Embers-Dark in You

Trading in Danger


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