Level Six

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A strange kind of world war started a few years back and it destroyed the earth so much that there is nothing left to cheer about. The humans constructed artificial intelligence for their betterment instead it got out of hands and started to take over. The entire planet got destroyed and now it is covered with a strange kind of sand that absorbs more and more heat. Artificial intelligence is also divided into two groups.

One group wants to destroy the planet and the remaining humans and the second has started planting grass to make the earth a better place to live. Between all of this, there is a woman who has found a strange artifact that happens to be quite significant in this battle for survival. If she gets the job done then the humans would be able to rule the world once more but first, she has to keep herself safe. A group of humans thinks that everything would become alright if the earth is destroyed so it is bound to destroy humans and artificial intelligence.

Level Six

William Ledbetter wrote Level Five before this and in that book, the destruction was not that terrible. Here it is like a nightmare through which the human race is passing and everyone wants to get up as soon as possible.

The woman who is trying to save the remaining humans is not the one with any kind of superpowers or super intelligence that’s why the future looks quite grim. Moreover, there is also a war between the two groups of artificial intelligence which makes everything appear worse.


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