Beach Read

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Augustus and January are two opposite people belonging to the same profession. Over the years the two have managed to create wonders with their pens. They have written stories that have become famous globally. But their stories have nothing in common which shows that they cannot work together in their field.

One of them thinks that the characters have to die at the end of the story while the other thinks that the end should be like a new beginning for the lovers. Romance is January’s specialty and she likes a happily ever after thing while Augustus likes tragedies that end with the end of the main characters.

The two suddenly loose touch with their strength and think that they have drained their energies completely. Author Emily Henry brings these two characters together in the novel at a time when both of them think of themselves as losers. They meet each other when they start living in the beach house at the same place. They decide that they will help each other in developing a new story, in this way they will be able to come out of the trouble that they were currently in.

Beach Read

Like in People We Meet on Vacation and Book Lovers the characters think that they will not fall in love during this course of time. However, as time passes, they start thinking that falling in love might not be a bad idea. Narrated by Julia Whelan like the previous two books, this book is a splendid love story. Augustus and January were looking for a story, instead, they forge one in which they become the main characters.


People We Meet on Vacation

A Million Junes


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