The Children of Noisy Village

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Kid’s language, thought and way of watching or judging something is often very different if compared with an adult thus if one is writing for them then it’s not easy. The author has to think like the kids because they have their strange sort of approach toward literature. Concrete stuff and direct morals usually bore them because they live in the world of fun and imagination all the time. Astrid Lindgren has been quite successful over the years in producing books like Pippi Longstocking and Ronja Räubertochter but this one was a real challenge.

The author wants to tell about kids’ fun time and if after reading the material the kids cannot feel the fun than the whole book is nothing. After reading this book no doubt even the adults would call it perfect, it takes even the adults back in time when they used to enjoy the festive occasions with their friends and neighbors. The story takes place on the farms as it is obvious from the name that it is to “Noisy Village” Astrid is taking us. The children of the village are having fun like always throughout the year whether it is a festive occasion or not they have festivities of their own.

The Children of Noisy Village

It is the age that provides the vibrant energy along with the friends among with there is no such thing as jealousy or competition. Lisa, Karl, Britta and Anna just love to be in the company of their friends enjoying different times of the year and having fun all the time. Catherine Byers is not far behind in accuracy during the narration of this book especially designed for the children.


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. 01 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 03. 02 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 04. 03 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 05. 04 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 06. 05 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 07. 06 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 08. 07 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 09. 08 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 10. 09 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 11. 10 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 12. 11 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 13. 12 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 14. 13 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 15. 14 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 16. 15 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 17. 16 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 18. 17 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 19. 18 - The Children of Noisy Village
  • 20. 19 - The Children of Noisy Village

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