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Discworld has gone through several crucial moments in time in the previous twenty books and now the writer Terry Pratchett brings war to the land. Extraordinary things always emerge on this fantasy land and the locals have always been ready for it. Commander Vimes of Ankh-Morpork get a tough job as a new island has risen out of nowhere and suddenly things become serious. It is not only the island that has emerged from the sea bed but the feuds have also come out of their sleep with it.

The demon like feuds mean business and the surface world is left with just few hours to prepare for the battle that has approached them without their being aware of it. Vimes searches for an easy way out of all this and in his search he comes to hear about an inventor and a politician who thinks that they possess something which might stop the war at any rate.


The package that the two possess is known to none and Vimes thinks that getting to these two clever persons would solve his problem otherwise the doom is approaching his world quite soon. Get your hands on Guards! Guards! and Men at Arms after this one and you will surely get a lot of resemblance in the scenes.

Terry’s books are not for those who are looking for fun or more depth in the story because the author’s focus is always more on action and presentation of the scenes. Nigel Planer’s voice is an icing on the cake for this novel, the narrator also likes action tales and that’s why always gives full attention to stuff like this.


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Unravel the Dusk



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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Discworld 21 - Jingo - 01
  • 03. Discworld 21 - Jingo - 02
  • 04. Discworld 21 - Jingo - 03
  • 05. Discworld 21 - Jingo - 04
  • 06. Discworld 21 - Jingo - 05
  • 07. Discworld 21 - Jingo - 06
  • 08. Discworld 21 - Jingo - 07
  • 09. Discworld 21 - Jingo - 08
  • 10. Discworld 21 - Jingo - 09
  • 11. Discworld 21 - Jingo - 10

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