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When this series was launched there were a few sections that could have attracted the children but as the series matured those things completely vanished and now it is a complete adult game. Now it’s a perfect book for teenagers who like fight scenes and emergence of heroes after hard fight and tough competitions. Katniss took part in the hunger games and after that her real life changed into the levels of the game that always keep on getting tougher.

Being the winner of the hunger games Katniss was thinking of getting some honor in The Hunger Games: Special Edition but she got hate and rejection then in Catching Fire she started preparing herself for the war.

The rebels exist till the present day and now everyone knows what and where District 13 is, tides are turning once again for the oppressors. One aspect that soothes her heart is that her family and loved ones are still alive and safe and overall she is safe from any personal tragedy. The rebels want to make her their Mockingjay and although she has been working for them and according to their plan but she was unaware of all this.


Now she has a choice whether to support and lead the rebellion or run away with her family. Well running away is not Katniss’ habit and thus a march to the Capitol starts. As expected Tatiana Maslany gets more serious in narration in this part, the narrator from the ending section of the second part started this tone that is taken further in this one. Ending is gigantic and the author has really justified with the trilogy through such an ending.


Catching Fire

The Evening and the Morning


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