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The Monk of Mokha

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If you are touching something related or associated to history you got to be very sure about it because one wrong move can make your work perish in mid air. Dave Eggers has always been the one who never leaves any weakness in the plot or the progress of the story. The themes are always strong and the audience always appreciates one thing in particular that the author always completes the homework about his story before writing it.

The Monk of Mokha

Mokhtar Alkhanshali the chief character of this true tale was brought up by a Yemeni and all his early life he never had anything to enjoy in life. His studies remained incomplete because of the lack of funds as he started the job of a gate keeper at the age of twenty four. However one day a statue with a cup of coffee in hand change Mokhtar’s life, he started his voyage on the discovery of coffee flavor.

The Monk of Mokha

He went from one place to the other in search of different flavors and ways in which coffee could be prepared. Though he faced many hardships during the civil war that broke out in Yemen in 2015 but still he never discontinued his dream that became his passion in the later stages of his life. An idea that was more American in origin changed the life of Mokhtar.

The character reminds us of the main character in The Circle that too had such a commitment with the work that was like her life. Dion Graham though a specialist in fiction has not performed badly in the historical work as well. No stumbling over the words is seen though some of them were in Yemeni accent.



The Circle

We Cast a Shadow


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