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The Circle

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It is an exciting new book by Dave Eggers on the world that has made the real world a global village i.e the internet. Internet is controlling the world these days or the world is no being controlled by the internet. Circle is such sort of a company that has a massive role that it plays worldwide and when Mae Holland gets a chance to work for it she thinks that she is the luckiest being on the planet.

The circle commands everything whether it is the banking sector or the communication media everything goes under its nose. For Mae the company is like a living body that is awake all the time no matter if it is night or day there are parties and functions going on everywhere. People work in shifts and thus active people takeover when the tired one goes for some rest.

Thus it becomes an active life with a lot of chances for progress and of course prosperity as well for Mae who starts feeling that she has found the right job. Though she gets more and more into the Circle which is a good thing from professional point of view but at the same time the Circle takes her away from the rest of the society.

The Circle

She starts keeping herself at a distance from the colleagues even and this antisocial creepiness seems to increase every day. It is different from The Monk of Mokha as the story does not get into rhythm from the beginning the haste slowly takes over. The perfect voice of Dion Graham really does the trick to make it look more appealing to the ears and we even start visualizing it in our minds the moment we hear about the creepy feeling.


Watership Down

The Monk of Mokha


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