Lord of Chaos

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Wheel of Time turns once again as the wind of fate once again bring disaster for the land. The war is still on that started in the previous chapters now this sixth part also proves to be a continuation.

Throughout the series the war has taken several twists and turns and just when you think that it will reach its conclusion a new issue arises for the nations. This time it’s the Dark One that is about to unleash its evil powers over the land as it tries to break free from the shackles.

Lord of Chaos

The immortal world of humans will once again need heroes that could emerge on the scene and what more can one think of when you have Rand al Thor on your side in the battlefield. Rand tries to unite the armies of various nations once again for this showdown that might cease the life of many but war is the only option left for the people.

However this is not the only problem that Rand face there are other issues as well like the White Tower with Amyrlin Elaida as its master wants to capture or stop Rand at any cost.

Lord of Chaos

It’s villains on all sides of our hero as he once again sets foot on the battlefield. Robert Jordan has put in some extra details this time, something we don’t see in his fictional work quite often. The issue of the weather conditions is depicted with a supreme touch.

The narration by Kate Reading and Michael Kramer is an extra spice that we get with this part and both surely have devoted sincere time for the show.

The elements with supernatural aspects also remind us about books like The Eye of the World and The Great Hunt by the same author. The good thing is that the theme is not the same and the motives of the heroes are always new.


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A Crown of Swords


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    8 thoughts on “Lord of Chaos”

    1. Hi Team T,
      13/55 is having issues throughout mostly buffering and pausing and/or stopping. Rebooted, Xed out of ad several times, yet it’s not me. Rock on and cheers!

    2. First time in many books that this doesn’t play. Tried several mobile browsers. 48/55 (or any chapter) doesn’t start.


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