Written exclusively for the kids, the book is full of imaginations and is written from a kid’s point of view. Louis is a male and moreover he is a Trumpeter Swan but an exceptional case altogether.
When his father tells him that he is different he fails to comprehend the meaning of the word different. The more he comes to know about his difference from the rest of the clan the more scared he becomes but then the young swan is not losing hope. Hope and imaginations are must have items if you are writing for kids because it is the motive of the author to induce these two things in the new generation.
Of course no one wants the new generation to be pessimist and without options in life. The young swan represents the same cause, as he makes a human friend after leaving his home and clan.
He starts to learn how to read and write which is again something imaginary but we go with the emotion that the young lad is trying to do something different. His biggest achievement is that he does not lose hope at all and is committed to tell about his feelings to Serena the swan of his dreams.
Than the irony happens Serena cannot read and the poor swan cannot trumpet the feelings. But Louis’ hopes are not shattered at all he is committed to go on a trip of a lifetime to earn his love at any rate. E.B. White was previously writing books like Charlotte’s Web but after producing Stuart Little the author’s motive changed.
White has narrated this too so we can guess that what we can get from the writer in the years to come. Surely it would be more of the kid’s stuff which is enthusiastic and appealing.
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