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Audiobooks For You!

Extracted, Book 3

The completion of a trilogy by R.R Haywood still leaves the story incomplete as our heroes are in more trouble and this time they are even left with no solution at all. They can only die trying. The disturbance in the different timelines is amazingly described in a scientific way as if R.R. Haywood researched a while before the preparation of this book because he has infused more science into it rather than working on the story a lot.


The big devil with the name “Mother” is revealed who was once the head of British secret service and it seems that he is the one behind all the catastrophe human race is going to face in the future, in the form of an atomic war perhaps. All the four of our heroes at one point in the story think that they have achieved their goal but when they return to the future they find that the future is nothing but a heap of dust.


The story has something more than the previous parts because the heroes find hope even when they see the catastrophic future with their own eyes. They know what is going to happen and when still they are in for another leap in time. The timelines because of their moving back and forth are also all disturbed and some patterns are mixed and it has become harder than ever to solve this, as no one has the answer to the questions like where who when. Carl Prekopp has continued his good work as the narrator of the series in this book as well and there is no weakness in narration throughout the series. 

In all three books of this series that includes Extracted, Executed and Extinct you will find the unique way of the author who is well aware of the things that are hidden, shown or have been removed from the lives. There are many times when we are unable to judge what is happening around and why it does so. These books surely is a good way to get into the deep meanings of life.


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