A Great Deliverance

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Elizabeth George has amazingly presented this book and Something to Hide and The Punishment She Deserves are her matchless writings. Donada Peters has years of experience in narrating the true essence of characters and she did a great job in this book.

Right up ’til today, the low, meager moan of a baby can be heard in Keldale’s rich green valleys. Hundreds of years ago as legend went, the scared “Yorkshire” locals covered a crying angel in “Keldale Abbey” where they had concealed to get away from the desolates of “Cromwell’s” plunderers. Currently into “Keldale’s” peaceful snare of old houses and more seasoned mysteries comes “Scotland Yard Inspector Thomas Lynley” the eighth baron of “Asherton”.

A Great Deliverance

Alongside the redoubtable “Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers and Lynley” has been shipped off settle a savage homicide that has staggered the quiet open country. For fat, unattractive “Roberta Teys” has been found in her best dress, a hatchet in her lap situated in the old stone stable alongside her dad’s headless carcass. Her first and final words were “I got it done and I’m not sorry”.

However as “Lynley and Havers” wind their direction through “Keldale’s” dull maze of mystery embarrassments and horrifying wrongdoings, they uncover a breaking series of disclosures that will resound through this peaceful English valley and in their own lives too.

A lot of times another writer composing the main books in a series invest in some opportunity to get comfortable with themselves and throughout some period hit their sweet spot and truly take off. The jury is as however out on “Ms. George”. It was only after a few sections into the story that we even meet “Detective Lynley” who is to turn into the focal point of the series and also got to realize he is fairly delayed in creating.


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Payment in Blood


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