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Suffer the Children

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Suffer the Children is a horror fiction novel. It is written by John Saul. He is an American author who excels in writing suspense and horror fiction novels. The majority of the books written by John have appeared in the bestseller list of the New York Times. If you want to check out more novels from John Saul then the most recommended ones are The God Project and In the Dark of the Night.

Suffer the Children

Paul Woodson has given his voice for the narration of this novel. It turned out to be a fairly decent performance from Paul Woodson with clarity of accent and great expression.

The story in this novel points to a time some 100 years in Port Abello ago when a pretty little girl started to scream. She struggled hard for survival but died. There was no one around who could have heard her screaming. And nobody has seen anything either. There was just one and the only man who had his guilty heart feeling the pain just as he sunk himself to death in the sea.

Now, something really weird and horrible has started to happen in Port Albelo. The children at that place started to disappear one after the other and there was no trace of them whatsoever. The old evil history is somehow repeating itself. One terrified kid ended his silence with a scream which began a hundred years ago.

The book had a slow start but just got better at some time and the audience enjoyed it quite a lot, especially the middle part. The ending was a bit of a let-down, which looked more like ending somewhere in the middle of the story.


The Unloved



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