The Acts of Life

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Siblings living under the same roof can be of different types. One category is that which loves each other and is ready to sacrifice for the other while there is another category that takes the other siblings as a rival. However, the rivalry that Kristin Mulligan talks about in this novel is taken to the next limit by Stella who just wants to oppose her twin brother Sam on every occasion.

The opposition or rivalry started long ago when the two were living in the same house and since then they have been treating each other like enemies. Though Stella has shown that she can stand strong in society but Sam is not of the same nature.

The Acts of Life

He has not achieved a lot in life in comparison to his sister. His degree in law is a mediocre one and he has not been doing very well with his relations either. His career is something that always keeps him at the bottom and then there is a long list of friends that are always there to waste his time. Stela on the other hand is well organized in her life and she has not made any friends because she was busy building her career right up.

She is rich and she has everything that money can buy. Tristan Wright and Laurie West, the two narrators of the novel tell how Sam is satisfied with his life especially after meeting Harper but Stella wants her brother back and no one knows the reason. Saint X had big secrets in it that were designed in a way to keep the audience engaged and then there was Imagine Heaven which had emotions in it. This book is an amalgam of the other two books.


Oath of Loyalty

No Plan B


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