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The Great St. Mary’s Day Out

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Jodi Taylor knows how to make a fan favorite dish, you just have to keep things in order, follow a strong plot and then pack action, sentiments in a race against time situation. Of course the not to forget element is the narration which have the potential to make the long series everlasting ones. Zara Ramm’s services in this field are undeniable; the narrator has been attracting more and more fans even when the story does not look very strong. At St Mary’s the situation has been quite tough in the last two episodes Ships and Stings and Wedding Rings and Lies, Damned Lies and History.

Now even the historian’s team a time out and finally in order to release some tension Dr. Bairstow announces the much needed holiday. Everyone is free to go and the good doctor is even paying for the fun but on one condition. The team has to record Hamlet performed for the first time during Shakespeare’s time. It was for the first time the great author himself performed in a play and he was playing the role of the ghost live in the theatre.

The Great St. Mary's Day Out

The show was great for a watch during a holiday but Dr. Bairstow blows up big and changes something that might impact the whole drama and the future of the new world. They cannot afford another alteration in the timeline because they paid big for the previous one done by Max. The holiday thus becomes an adventure all of a sudden, an adventure they weren’t hoping. The good thing is that the team never comes unprepared and is always loaded for action and sensation.


Lies, Damned Lies and History

And the Rest Is History


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