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The Theos

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Human survivors have been under the radar for decades, they have not been given time to settle in life and relaxation is the luxury they are not blessed with now. Dean found the Theos world and some devastating secrets in the middle of The Ancients but then he realized that the whole thing was a smokescreen. Real Theos still remains a mystery for the people of Earth but the problem is that the fake one took Dean’s best friend and true love with it.

Bringing her back is Dean’s primary objective now and he can fight against anything for the sake of love this time. The team is assembled once again, for the protection of the universe and freedom of Mary a new mission is launched one that might not let them return in one piece. First they have to find the real Theos which has been a mystery since The Event.

Nathan Hystad is still not in the compiling stage and the series happens to be the longest he has ever written in his life. Luckily the audience has Luke Daniels’ narration that doesn’t allow them to leave the book in the middle. The author also has kept good pace and the material of the story also brings something new for our entertainment.

The Theos

There has been one issue still that is felt by a lot of listeners’ i.e the author is not providing relaxing time to Dean. A few love scenes here and there could have improved the intensity of feelings between the two lovers. Till now the listener can just hope that the two might be able to live a happy and contented life in the future.


The Ancients

Old Enemy


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