Hexed, the sixth installment in Emily McIntire’s Never After series, promises a captivating tale of forbidden love, family loyalty, and the complexities of navigating the criminal underworld. The publisher’s summary introduces Venesa Andersen, a young woman caught in the clutches of her gangster uncle, and Enzo “Loverboy” Marino, a wealthy businessman by day and a mafia underboss by night. As their paths cross and their attraction grows, they must choose between their duty to their families and the forbidden love that threatens to consume them.
Venesa Andersen has never been good enough—not for her parents, and not for her gangster uncle who took her in after their deaths. Despite her cunning and beauty, she finds herself bound by her uncle’s demands and the lack of a moral compass. When her runaway cousin returns to their coastal southern town with a man in tow, Venesa realizes that he is the only one who truly sees her for who she is.
Enzo “Loverboy” Marino, a wealthy businessman and underboss to a notorious mafia syndicate, answers only to his father, the strongest don in the northeast. When he is tasked with marriage, he doesn’t hesitate—until he meets his fiancée’s bewitching cousin, Venesa. Drawn to her sultry voice and supple curves, Enzo finds himself torn between the life he has always known and the forbidden love he never knew he wanted.
As plans unravel and temptation sings its siren song, Venesa and Enzo must navigate the treacherous waters of their families’ expectations and the undeniable pull of their own desires. They soon discover that the price of their forbidden love may be higher than they ever imagined.
Themes and Character Development
The publisher’s summary highlights several key themes that are likely to shape the narrative of Hexed. The concept of forbidden love, with Venesa and Enzo coming from different worlds and bound by their families’ expectations, creates an immediate sense of tension and conflict. Their attraction to one another, despite the risks and consequences, promises a story filled with passion, angst, and the struggle between duty and desire.
Venesa’s character is presented as a complex and multilayered individual, shaped by her past traumas and the demands of her criminal uncle. Her lack of a moral compass and her cunning nature suggest a woman who has learned to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world. However, the arrival of Enzo in her life may serve as a catalyst for change, forcing her to confront her own desires and the possibility of a different future.
Enzo’s dual identity as a wealthy businessman and a mafia underboss hints at a character torn between two worlds. His loyalty to his father and his position within the criminal underworld contrast with the attraction he feels for Venesa, creating an internal conflict that is likely to drive his character development throughout the story. As he navigates the expectations placed upon him and the growing pull of his own desires, Enzo may find himself questioning the life he has always known.
Writing Style and Tone
While the publisher’s summary does not provide a direct sample of McIntire’s writing style, it suggests a narrative that is both sensual and intense. The description of Venesa’s sultry voice and supple curves, along with the siren song of temptation, hints at a story that is not afraid to explore the physical and emotional aspects of the characters’ relationship.
The tone of the summary is dark and atmospheric, reflecting the dangerous and complex world in which Venesa and Enzo find themselves. The mention of the criminal underworld, family loyalty, and the consequences of forbidden love suggests a story that is gritty, emotionally charged, and filled with high stakes.
Based on the publisher’s summary, Hexed promises to be a compelling and emotionally resonant addition to the Never After series. Emily McIntire’s ability to craft complex characters and explore the themes of forbidden love, family loyalty, and personal desire suggests a story that will keep readers engaged and invested in Venesa and Enzo’s journey.
The forbidden romance between Venesa and Enzo, set against the backdrop of the criminal underworld and the expectations of their families, creates a narrative filled with tension, passion, and the struggle between duty and desire. As they navigate the treacherous waters of their attraction and the consequences of their choices, readers can expect a story that is both sensual and intense, with high stakes and emotional depth.
For fans of the Never After series, Hexed offers the opportunity to delve deeper into the world McIntire has created and explore the lives of two compelling new characters. The themes of forbidden love and the struggle between duty and desire are likely to resonate with readers who enjoy emotionally charged romances set in dark and complex worlds.
In conclusion, Hexed is a promising addition to the Never After series, offering a captivating tale of forbidden love, family loyalty, and the complexities of navigating the criminal underworld. With its complex characters, atmospheric setting, and emotionally resonant themes, this novel is sure to leave a lasting impression on readers seeking a sensual and intense romance.