Coffee Break Collection 025 – Water

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Welcome to the twenty-fifth installment of the Coffee Break Collection—a treasury of bite-sized literary treasures, handpicked by Librivox readers. Within these compact narratives, each lasting around 15 minutes, listeners find the perfect companions for moments of respite—a commute, a workout, or a cherished coffee break. As the theme of this collection unfurls, it centers on a quintessential element of life: water—an entity that has stirred the pens of legendary figures like Archimedes, Shelley, and Masefield, among others.

Coffee Break Collection 025 - Water

Amid the pages of this compilation, we are treated to an array of reflections, musings, and stories that cascade like water droplets, each encapsulating the myriad facets of this elemental force. From the scientific brilliance of Archimedes to the poetic realms of Shelley and Masefield, this anthology traverses the currents of human imagination, inspiring contemplation and reverie.

With each selection, readers are invited to immerse themselves in the ebb and flow of words—a literary symphony that mirrors the eternal dance of water. In the hands of the Librivox readers who curated this collection, these stories become an intimate journey—a reminder that even within the span of a coffee break, the realms of literature can transport us across the boundless ocean of human creativity.


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