The Stranger in the Lifeboat

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Mitch Albom has the habit of writing the strangest of things and the message in the end is strong like always. First the author takes us in the world which he creates and makes the fans believe that the situation is real. Only after trusting the situation, we are able to enjoy the story along with the spices that the author has mixed. The author has narrated the story intentionally because he thought that no one else would have been able to put life in the story to this extent. The story is in narrated form as it is narrated by one of the passengers who was in the raft that was struck by a heavy storm.

The man was actually writing all the events so that people would be able to know what has actually happened to them after they are long dead. While travelling in the sea, these ten passengers find a man who was drowning in the sea. They pull him up into the boat and he tells them that he is the Lord. The passengers get really surprised and at first they think that the man is talking in a less serious way.

The Stranger in the Lifeboat

Then they start believing him. When the raft reaches the shore, there is no one in it so it can be possible that the passengers were already dead when they found the drowning man. The Five People You Meet in Heaven and Have a Little Faith also talk about these strange thoughts which the author possess in his mind since the beginning of his career. The stories introduce fictional characters on most occasions but they are appealing for sure.


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