Lusam The Dragon Mage Wars, Book 3

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The series was a fan made thing right from the beginning of the first part when Lusam was emerging as a hero. The emergence was not rapid and the introduction was also slow, Dean Cadman wanted to attract the attention of the fans first towards the new hero in fiction. The boy himself was unaware of his potential in Lusam because the only one who knew all about him died rather quickly.

The magic classes were never completed and it makes him less of a magician, he mixes with a girl thief who proves helpful for him. The agents of the Empire are still in their chase and most of them want those magicians dead though they have the option of capturing or arresting them alive.

Guardian book was dealt effectively in the first two parts and this time there is a second one of which there are several hints.  The book can help the whole clan in so many ways; firstly it can balance the power between the two empires and secondly can provide the much needed information.

Lusam The Dragon Mage Wars, Book 3

The time is short for the team; they have another task in hand i.e Lord Zelroth who is destroying the High Temple so that he alone can know what is buried deep in the temple. Battle for supremacy is on between the two rival sides; Alex Wyndham narrates this third part full of warfare like the previous two which makes narration not an issue. These wars cannot be called epic, these wars are just showing the listeners what the heroes and the villains are capable of. So when the real battle is on the listeners would not be surprised of the full potential of both sides.


Lusam The Dragon Mage Wars, Books 1-2

Lusam The Dragon Mage Wars, Book 5


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