One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

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The way the author has thought of the whole scenery is truly appreciable, it is good to see such authors who create stories out of nowhere. Ken Kesey arouses emotions in the minds of the listener that later changes into a feeling of awe. Each character has his or her special role in the story without which the picture would never be the same.

The author does not talk about the story on his own; he has induced a special narrator for the job. Creating a narrator to tell the tale is one special touch because the audience starts feeling reality in the scenes. It appears we are also sitting in the ward where the mental patients are put as we can feel their presence and all their stupid gestures. Among them, there is a hero who tries to save them from the wrath of the cruel nurse. Chief Bromden talks of McMurphy as if he is talking about a real war hero present in the mental ward.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

He not only tries to save himself but also fights for the freedom of other patients; sadly all his efforts fail in the end. No one got freedom from the imprisonment of the mental ward till the ending scenes. Sometimes a Great Notion was also by Ken Kesey but talking about abnormal people in a normal way was a real tough job. Though most of the characters were not normal psychologically still they had a personality which could get imprinted on the mind of the fans. John C. Reilly has enjoyed narrating the novel; the narrator had full opportunity of playing with his voice in each character depiction.


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