The Brink

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The Brink is part 2 of the Awakened novel series, which is a fictional horror with a great storyline to be enjoyed. The book is written by James S. Murray and Daren Wearmouth. The narration is given by James S. Murray, which shows his versatility both as a writer and narrator of this book.

The former mayor of New York City, Mr. Tom Cafferty is badly preoccupied by the horror of one single day. The day was the opening of the brand new subway line under the Hudson River. It was meant to be a significant day in the history of New York, but it wasn’t actually as things went the other way round. The ribbon cutting ceremony at the new subway line turned into a blood bath, when the train having wife of the mayor and several other citizens got attacked by a group of blood thirst and hyper intelligent creatures. They were completely surprising and never heard about before.

The Brink

Everything for the mayor, Sarah Bowcut (ex-NYPD officer) and Diego Munoz, the tech expert change. They finally got to the truth of the incident. It was not an accidental attack. The creatures who attacked the new subway line have now spread worldwide. The humanity is under threat and a secret organization has the knowledge about how to kill these creatures. But that information denied was holding the entire nation as hostage.

Awakened is the title of the opening novel of the Awakened series and that is a must read before you get on with The Brink. Awakened was also declared as the international best-selling novel. Going through Awakened will help you to connect the dots between the two novels and how this story has developed from scratch.


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