Killer Dungeon


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    Euphoria was launched as a game in the world and then it appeared as something a lot more for people all around the globe. More and more people joined in and for most of them, it proved to be a trap in the later stages. Game over for a player means game over in real life as well but what can a person do if he is told that his brother would be allowed to go free if he plays the game. Chris never had a second choice in Death March, good thing was that he was not looking for another option.

    It was video games in which he was skilled and playing by your strengths is never a bad option for a person. Each step was full of deadly threats for Chris but he marched on with his friends that gave their lives for him at various stages. Now in the last part, Phil Tucker writes about the endgame. Albertus’ secrets are still not known to anyone, no one knows what does that mad man wants.

    Killer Dungeon

    He has gained supreme power and control over the game world and his army is no doubt matchless. None of the heroes dare to stand against such a might army except Chris. Chris was very emotional during the previous part Nightmare Keep about the unknown secrets buried in the game and he is not dying without seeing the conclusion of the war.

    Narration throughout is done by Vikas Adam for this series, he understood the series better and did all that was necessary to make the story understandable for the listeners. Most of the story happens in the game world but the real world is also not missed, Vikas especially changes the accent for both worlds to show the difference.

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