The Pale Horseman

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Like the previous chapter this one too is loaded with fight scenes and wars that are real but told in a fictional style. The British had the upper hand in battle in the first part as they remained successful in not only winning the battles but also recapturing the lost empire.

They thought that they had defeated the Vikings forever but it was not the case the threats to the empire were still there. The Vikings are on the rise as they reclaim one part of the state after another making the English people pay for their doings it terrible time for the king and his men. Uhtred is also with the king and though he always wanted to fight for the Vikings but he finds himself fighting against them in the toughest time.

The Pale Horseman

The sorcerer that entered his life in The Last Kingdom changed his whole perception about life and his origin. Bernard Cornwell adds Uhtred in the British ranks for a purpose which is not apparent here but one can expect great things from this underdog in the next parts to come. At each step we feel that the element of patriotism is on the rise on the man who never felt that attraction of his native land before.

He is so committed for his native land that he is ready to slaughter those who have raised him as a child and perhaps provided him with the parental love. Jonathan Keeble the new voice in narration does not allow you to notice any change in narration as the voice has a captivating power that surely plays a vital role this time.




The Last Kingdom

Lords of the North


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