The Power of Moments

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Great messages in a lighter way just keep on coming from the great minds and might pens of Dan Heath and Chip Heath. The two never gets tired and don’t allow the fans to get bored by the motivational stuff that they produce. These books enriched with one a kind concepts are a treat in the leisure time. Just start listening to it for a while or so and within no time the end would be reached, the mind still craving for more stuff like that and the listener easily shifts to Switch or Upstream after that.

Elevation is the key in this book that later raises pride in the personality of the man and these two become the tool with which we can polish ourselves further. At the same instant the one who experiences these two elements starts to improvise and becomes a nice guide for the people present around. It does not matter at all that whether that person is a teacher or any manager of a firm he would be a true sensation for everyone around.

The Power of Moments

The book also discusses about the memorable moments of life and the causes that make them memorable, good happenings and bad happenings both occupy a permanent place in the mind. The rest of the memories are very quickly erased from the mind in a moment or two. No doubt it is another superb work by the two who have been providing this appealing work for some time now.

Jeremy Bobb is given narration duties for this book and he has kept it simple with no unique experimentation. Conveying the concept in simple accent is the key in such stuff as the people want to understand such stuff without any dramatization in speech.



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