The Song Rising

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The imaginative skills of the writer continue to weave the fabric of the bone season in different patterns. Each part opens with a band and for Samantha, Shannon rest is not an option that’s why she does not provide any leisure time for the characters of the novel.

We don’t find any space for the love scenes or occasions that could be celebrated. Even when Paige is successful in escaping, she never comes out of the mental stress and the physical threat that surrounds her.

The Song Rising

Even when the dream walker becomes the queen of the underworld her life is never easy. She tries to stabilize the world that has felt heavy blows by the attacks of the evil that once hit it with all its might. One danger and then the other is the fate of this Underqueen as Senshield appears on the scene a technology that can unleash hell on the whole of the underworld. As compared to the first two parts The Priory of the Orange Tree and The Mime Order the story moves a little further as Paige finally takes her role as the leader.

The Song Rising

The action is not found in abundance this time but one thing is for sure that bigger battles are coming to the land. The shift of gear from the writer Samantha and the narrator Alana Kerr Collins can be seen as there is a sense of urgency in the novel and it seems that Paige is trying to hide something horrifying.

The shift if balance still does not conclude who will have the upper hand in the final chapter that is yet to approa


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The Mime Order

The Pale Dreamer


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