The Sound of Thunder

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People know a lot about the World Wars because of the history books which they have read over the years. Someone rarely reads about other wars that have taken place in different regions individually or were restrained to a limited geographic area. Wilbur Smith talks about the Second Boer War in which different people of the land suffer differently. Some lose life others lose their belongings but there is one who loses everything. The rich man of the town thought that he was blessed with everything by God.

Wealth seems to just flow out of lockers and the beautiful girl by his side just made his life more delightful. While he was shifting both of his worth possessions to another town he got robbed in a bad way. His girl and wealth were taken away from him by the robber and when he came back to his family worse conditions seemed to be waiting for him. Sean Barrett quite beautifully narrates the condition of a man who wants to cry but fate does not give him the time to shed tears on his losses even.

The Sound of Thunder

Call of the Raven and River God never touched the heart so much; this book just grips the heart by depicting the sad feelings of different people. War brings losses and grief for the whole land and it spares no one whether big or small. Families get destroyed and love just vanishes from the land forever because of the deadly evil i.e the war. Not many love scenes are there but we cannot say that romance is non-existent completely in this novel.


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