The Undead: Part 3

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The Undead: Part 3 is a horror fiction. The book is a chapter out of The Undead novel series. It went on to become the bestselling novel series in New York Times soon after it got published. The credit for its success goes to R. R. Haywood who is the author of this novel and The Undead saga. The novel in audiobook format is heart pounding. It is rightly times for 8 hours almost and you will be having the best entertainment.

R. Haywood has been a good writer both in horror and science fiction fantasies. The Worldship Humility and Extinct are two other successful novels by the author.

The horror in this saga starts with a fatal infection that takes it roots all across the Europe region. The Undead series is a terrifying and a horrifying account of a single man, who is desperately striving for survival. He is surviving through the infectious and harrowing phase day by day.

The Undead: Part 3

Dave, Howie and a pack of survivors on the Tower Bridge take on the stock of the battle of the previous day. After a small initial confrontation between Darren and Howie, the latter along with his group beat a speedy withdrawal on the south coast to Fort Spitbank. This was the place where they setup for Darren’s invasion along with his militia of undead. Howie and his entire group in this novel fight the biggest battle so far with a lot at stake.

The narration of The Undead: Part 3 is done by Dan Morgan. He is the right choice for the novel because of his quality of tone and the expression required for a horror fiction.


The Undead: Part 2

The Undead: Part 4


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