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Auberon is a contemporary science fiction novel with an alluring storyline and powerful characterization. You will love it for what it is and how beautifully, James S. A. Corey, the author has crafted this. Jefferson Mays has given the narration of this novel, which by all means was perfect.

The novel Auberon became the New York Times best-selling Expanse series. The novel explores an entirely new, different and a weird world that is not familiar in real to anyone of us. It also talks about the age old dangers, which the mankind has carried with itself from this world to the stars. Now, it is the Prime Original saga.


Auberon is regarded as one of the very first and the most significant colony worlds, which is well within the reach of mankind. Now, it is the novice conquering power that has come in order to claim it.  Governor Rittenaur has come for the sake of bringing the civilization and also call to the far base, while guaranteeing the power and wealth of the entire Empire.

N the other side, Auberon has its own culture, history and criminal bigwig by the name of Erich.


James S. A. Corey is a powerful writer with great vision and creative abilities. His fictional stories are well among the top rated ones. If you are a fan of contemporary science fiction novels and James S. A. Corey is also your go to writer, then you must check out his other popular novels as well. The most recommended ones from the author, James S. A. Corey are: Tiamat’s Wrath and Caliban’s War. Both these novels are also appreciated for their awesome narrations and played a crucial role in the success of these audio books.



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Tiamat’s Wrath


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