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The Truth

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Terry Pratchett’s Discworld is a fantasy but the author has tried to paint reality into it so that it looks like an amalgam of both worlds. In The Fifth Elephant the author talked about the security of the town and the traffic security staff that was newly hired. Similarly The Last Continent talked about a librarian and a state that resembled Australia at most places.

This one brings information about the newspaper that William De Worde started on his own. The boy started the whole thing just for the sake of some extra money by publishing different stuff about the Discworld and then the competition increased. Publishing right and wrong did not remain in his authority anymore because the rivals made the competition real tight for him. In order to survive in the market the boy started publishing things like the photographs of a vampire.

And then there are people like the one who wants to publish the snaps of his potatoes. William from the inside knows that a newspaper should only publish the truth for its readers and the moment he publishes truth the whole town goes upside down.

The Truth

People from all side including vampires and dwarves become his enemy. Not only has the newspaper, the boy had to save his life as well from the threats that start surrounding him from all sides. Thus even in the Discworld the life of a journalist is not that easy, for the publication of truth he has to put his life on the line. Stephen Briggs gave his full energy at the start and towards the middle it was lacking for sure.


The Fifth Elephant

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