Epidemic Audiobook




It is another one of John Holt detective tales. It is the third one in the series of Tom Kendall who is a private detective and throughout the series not for once, we find him proud of his achieving or his past performances.

The case given to him in the trilogy is also an impossible one that does not look like a murder at all. Tom Kendall is given the case of a newspaper reporter who died because of an accident and all the clues tell us that his death is because of an accident and it’s not a murder at all.

The witnesses are also of the same view that it was just an accident and nothing else thus there is nothing to investigate for a long time. The police close the case but Tom still continues the investigation much further on an entirely different scale.

Epidemic Audiobook

Later it is revealed that a dreadful epidemic was spreading across the country with its origin in Central America. The epidemic appears to be viral and a kind that could not spread on its own. It is then revealed that it was all the doing of a drug company that just wanted to earn some fortune out of the misery of the native people.

The case moves from simple murder to a deadly scheme or plan of a drug company that was intentionally spreading the whole thing. One clue leads to another in a well-knit fashion and the change of the story from micro to macro level is no doubt matchless. Mark Sando as a narrator has kept his detective tone alive throughout the story and becoming more intense as the story progresses.     

Similar stories include  The Mackenzie Dossier and  The Thackery Journal for those who seek more thrilling stories and are fond of such adventures.

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