Little Whispers


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Audiobooks For You!

Little Whispers is a suspenseful mystery thriller. It is a novel by K. L. Slater who writes psychological thrillers. If you are interested in more novels by the author then do start with her The Evidence title. You can expect top-class entertainment from her The Silent One novel as well.

The audio narration of Little Whispers novel is wonderfully done by Lucy Price-Lewis.

You shared a big secret but with the wrong person.

Little Whispers

Janey was quite thrilled and excited to be moving into Buckingham Crescent with her family. It was supposed to be the smartest ever address to have in a nice, suburban town. She was kind of worried that she will be excluded by the lustrous local mothers there. But meeting with Tanya thrilled her. She was the kind of woman who she had always adored and looked up to. Tanya soon took Janey right under her wing. Angel was Tany’s teenage daughter who was quite good with the little boy of Janey. As both Tanya and Janey got closer, Janey started to feel that she might just have left trouble right behind her.

But then everything drastically changed. In a very weak moment with a bottle of alcohol, Janey told Tanya the most shocking secret of her life. Why would she not trust her new friend? Janey saw Angel the next day with a man who was old enough to be her father. He was putting someone forcefully in a car. A dead body was found the very next day and the police all around asked for witnesses and they shared the picture of that same car that Janey saw.

The story of this thriller started pretty slow and you will feel stuck. But then it picked up the pace and got to good pacing by the middle. The narration was fairly good and that added some good fun to this book.





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