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A Burnable Book

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Bruce Holsinger has been trying to add history in his work now and the blend of history and fiction provide an appealing and irresistible taste to the audience. This time the era is 1385, the city is once again London the one we visited in The Invention of Fire as well. It is Richard II that we meet who is heavily influenced by his uncle John and Katherine who is his mistress. Then there are certain things that are being spread like rumor which predict the end of the crown rule in Britain forever.

The tides are turning for the royal family and it seems that the forces are heavily against the family and its rule that has been there for centuries now. The whole thing is a conspiracy against the kingdom that started after the publishing of the “Burnable book”, a work that is threatening for the whole state.

A Burnable Book

Chaucer a renowned poet along with his friend Gower goes for the search of the book in order to end the instability in the realm. As Gower investigates more about the book he finds even his own son involved in the matter and the issue spreads like wildfire even to the slums of the country.

The stakes are high as the tide is changing for the kings and their court. The writer has used his full skill and knowledge of the era to present a wonderful piece of art in front of us in the voice of Simon Vance. Simon Vance’s surely appeals to us because of its British tone that puts a heavy impact on all the things in the novel.


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The Invention of Fire

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