Barbarians at the Gate

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Boldness has always been the chief aspect of Bryan Burrough’s writings, the writer most of the time selects topics from history and then describes them in his own style. Each point is given apt details and there is no hiding or shyness of any sort in Bryan’s literature.

The issue that is selected from the history of mankind is related to business and management. The previous one that really rocked the market was related to America in Days of Rage and was linked with the FBI’s function in USA.  This time Wall Street in the year 1988 takes writer’s attention and full coverage. There is though no specific plot or a drastic climax still the book appeal to whoever listens to it with all ears.

Barbarians at the Gate

There are dealmakers and men with strategies everywhere talking about benefits and investments even on dinners and parties. The financial issues of the time are depicted so well that the book can prove to be a guide for the business people as well. The movement of the wealth from one pocket to the other and the drain of wealth really attract the mind of even a common man. Continuity and the compactness in the book never let you bored at any instance, the voice of is John Helyar robotic of course but then it was the demand of the book.

There were never any fancy elements about the book that needed energy in the narration so it is like a news telecasting tone in narration that is perfect according to the context of the book. Another aspect that make the book one of a kind is that the writer does not mix thing up it is clear accurate and correct information that we receive.


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Days of Rage

Child of a Mad God


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