Before We Were Wicked

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Materialistic aspects of life are touched and with the change in personality of the two people who find in each other the perfect chemistry they have been searching for ages. It’s good to see that the authors of today are experimenting with the new subjects and it’s not always the fairy tale stuff that we used to find in the old days.

Eric Jerome Dickey eradicates money from the list of Ken the twenty one years of age as he does not possess a desire for it and thus is not the ordinary sort at all. Ken is the modern sort of a youth who does not believe in relationships or anything such stupid as true love.

One night stands for sexual pleasures are perhaps part of routine; he eats drinks and remains merry. But one special girl takes all the philosophy away from him, Jimi Lee agrees for the one night stand and that’s all what she had in mind at first and then the passion is aroused.

Before We Were Wicked

The relationship moves to such an extent that Jimi becomes pregnant and the two finally sit together to plan that what should they do with the evidence of their relationship. Sex scenes are there and explicitly described so the novel is not for the children but for the adults it is full of messages and alerter that can really guide them.

The novel reminds about The Other Woman and Pleasure when we listen about the developing relationship between the boy and the girl that becomes his life. Dion Graham’s voice too takes us on a pleasurable ride, the romance is soothing along with the corrosive sex scenes of course but towards the later stages the story runs just fine.


Black Leopard, Red Wolf



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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. 1 - Before We Were Wicked
  • 03. 2 - Before We Were Wicked
  • 04. 3 - Before We Were Wicked
  • 05. 4 - Before We Were Wicked
  • 06. 5 - Before We Were Wicked
  • 07. 6 - Before We Were Wicked
  • 08. 7 - Before We Were Wicked

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