Nightmare Keep

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Chris started at the Death March with a vision to save his brother, till now he has only succeeded in saving his skin. Many days have passed and he is yet to pass through the difficult levels, the initial levels too were covered by the aid of some friends. Lothario and Falkon two goblins met Chris in the starting stages of the game and since then they have not left his sight. At every level and in every fight scene the goblins have been there trying to help Chris with all their abilities.

Goblins are aware of what is at stake for the pro-gamer and what he would lose if he loses the game. Chris established a relationship with the two because he needed them, then that relationship changed into a true friendship. During such emotional scenes, Lotharia disappears all of a sudden, and advice from all sides is simple i.e leave her and march on if you want to live.

Nightmare Keep

Chris came to Euphoria in Death March for his brother which makes it clear that the man does not leave his close companions. The main mission thus is postponed; Nightmare Keep becomes the next destination of Chris and Falkon because in that keep Lotharia is kept as a hostage by the game.

Phil Tucker through this second part makes us explore the game even more; it is a new dimension of the game in which we are led by Vikas Adam’s voice. Killer Dungeon will get the story back to the main track as this one ends with the rescue of the goblin and revelation of different secrets that the game possesses.

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Seize the Night

Death March


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Nightmare Keep (Unabridged) - 1
  • 03. Nightmare Keep (Unabridged) - 2
  • 04. Nightmare Keep (Unabridged) - 3
  • 05. Nightmare Keep (Unabridged) - 4
  • 06. Nightmare Keep (Unabridged) - 5
  • 07. Nightmare Keep (Unabridged) - 6
  • 08. Nightmare Keep (Unabridged) - 7
  • 09. Nightmare Keep (Unabridged) - 8
  • 10. Nightmare Keep (Unabridged) - 9

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