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Duplicity is a marvelous novel co-authored by Newt Gingrich and Pete Earley. It is a crime mystery thriller and have some great suspense to keep you connected with the plot of the novel right till its concluding chapter. This novel experience gets even better with the fantastic and effortless narration given by Robert Fass in his splendid style and tone. The book is part 1 of the Duplicity novel series by the authors.

Duplicity, first version of the series talks about an invisible hand involved in the worldwide havoc, while playing a significant role. Gingrich joined Pete Early, the ex-reporter of Washington Post in order to create an engaging collage of global and domestic action. This epic mystery drama is set during the United States presidential elections.


Sally Allworth decided to reestablish the U.S. embassy in Somalia, a few weeks prior to the presidential elections. Her challengers and opponents were of the opinion that she is trying to do politics, while risking lives of the Americans.

This soon became a fact when the U.S. embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia was attacked by terrorist and hostages from embassy were taken. This was a Benghazi type attach and station chief, Gunter Conner from the embassy and Brooke Grant, the marine captain ere the unlikely survivors from the attack.

Soon, the also became the only hope for freeing and saving lives of their colleagues. Things becomes much interesting for the listeners starting from here.

The authors’ duo have a lot to share about America and Trump in their writing and putting them in a crime mystery novels. You can best see that through their other popular novels, which namely are Understanding Trump and Trump’s America.

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