Shades of Wicked

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Vampire series can appeal to any young mind because the emotions are usually so raw that the listener just gets soaked in them within no time. Jeaniene Frost adds to literature the series of another vampire lord known as Ian. Though not very old, Ian has only made enemies in the world of flesh and blood. But that’s alright as no one can harm the undead prince of darkness.

Among the longish list of enemies, there is one they call Dagon who himself is a pure demon and possesses the potential to suck out the soul of a vampire too. Dagon has been on the search for Ian for a long time now. Ian on the other hand has finally come up with a solution to get rid of this problem in his life. The vampire joins hand with the Law Guardian named Veritas who herself has a grudge against Dagon.

Shades of Wicked

Together the two devise a careful plan to trap Dagon and this plan allows them to come closer to one another as well. As they come closer they start to discover more things about each other which they were unaware of previously.

Tavia Gilbert has narrated Wicked Bite and First Drop of Crimson too by the same author. Thus the narrator was fully aware of what was due here. The lusty love of a vampire and the thirst for blood are always hard to narrate because one has to bring intensity in the moods and there is an absence of innocence too. The ending of this chapter was the launching of a new and strong love story in the odd vampire world.


The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara

Wicked Bite


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. 1. Shades Of Wicked-01
  • 03. 1. Shades Of Wicked-02
  • 04. 1. Shades Of Wicked-03
  • 05. 1. Shades Of Wicked-04
  • 06. 1. Shades Of Wicked-05
  • 07. 1. Shades Of Wicked-06
  • 08. 1. Shades Of Wicked-07
  • 09. 1. Shades Of Wicked-08

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