The Psychology of Time Travel

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None has been able to travel in time up till now in the real world but it has been a dream of every human to be able to go back or ahead in time so that it can alter anything that is not favorable. In fiction different machines with different concepts are presented, this one is not different at all. The four ladies who are renowned for their work on time travelling finally come to the brink of success as their time travelling gadget is finally near completion. The releasing time is decided and the presentation is near when one of the four ladies faces a calamity.

Although the friendship of the four scientists was quite strong but as one of them vanishes their goals appears to be much more than their friendship. The gadget is launched without the name of the fourth scientist and the three erase the contribution of their fourth friend who was once quite dear to them.

The Psychology of Time Travel

The praises are made and within years time travelling becomes a routine thing thanks to the group of ladies who contributed a lot. Bee one of the pioneers is now a grandmother and she get a hunch that she would be killed in the near future.

Now she wants to change the future by traveling in time, although many people travel in time but no one has ever tried to alter it that much. Kate Mascarenhas is new to the field but has done well in this first novel, Penelope Rawlins is also a recent discovery in narration but both have contributed well to the section of time travelling.


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