The Ghost Bride

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Today, we see a lot of novels with similar plots that lacks variation or may be come with a too universal theme. The formula novel also don’t work that much in this contemporary world.

The best thing about this novel, The Ghost Bride is that it has a very original plot and the book successfully manages to have your attention right from the start till the end. Yangsze Choo is the proud author of this novel, which earned him great appreciation from a good lot of audience. He is versatile in literary domain and this fact is endorsed by knowing that Yangsze Choo himself is the narrator of this novel.

This is the debut novel of the author and what a grand opening he had for a novice writer. The historic fiction novel has everything from romantic intrigue to Chinese folklore to adventure and then some dreamlike twists and turns as well.

The Ghost Bride

Although being riled by the British, the Chinese of Malaya colony are still connected with some old ancient customs. Superstitions and ghosts belief was very much a common thing in the Malacca town.

Li Lan is the daughter coming from a bankrupt, but a genteel family. She had a few prospects, but every time, fate comes in between, whenever she gets some weird proposal from the influential and wealthy family of Lim. They had a demand to make her a ghost bride for the only son of the family. Their son died recently under some really suspicious circumstances. The practice of ghost marriages was quite rare, but still practices sometimes for the sake of pleasing the restless spirits.

The Night Tiger is another classy novel by the author, Yangsze Choo. It also has an individualistic significance and completely unique from his other novels or even from other contemporary authors. The author Yangsze Choo once again is the narrator of this historical fiction novel as well.


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