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This wonderful tale is reported by Shemer Kuznits and narrated by Luke Daniels. These Biomancer 2 and Life Reset: Salvation are the best portrayals of Shemer Kuznits. These are also versatile pieces of his outstanding work among others.

Another series in the New Era Online universe from the writer who brought you Life Reset. John Slater never had any interest in computer games. Currently, he must beat one to save his sibling. A fight solidified, ex-extraordinary powers officer, John loved games, unlike his sibling. However, he must endlessly catch on quickly assuming he gets any opportunity of saving his more youthful kin. Wizardry, beasts and levels are unfamiliar to him and his true abilities were not quite so valuable as he naturally suspects.


The game world is great, the plot for the hero to be there is dreary and feels constrained in the best-case scenario. Much a similar shortcoming as the other ‘NEO’ books, However it went past saving this time. The base structure is done and those arrangements are great as reference anything to do with this present reality association simply continues to be an irritation as opposed to a free angle.

Luke Daniels helped me through the book notwithstanding the writer’s earnest attempts to disturb me with plot openings and simply making a solid attempt for the coolness factor. The following book ‘NEO’ similar to ‘World of Warcraft’ nowadays needs a redesign or new bearing to their composing group.


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